#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int n, anscount; //n for input of chessboard's size, anscount for answers count
vector<int> col; //chessboard, drawed in 1st dimension(since it's square)
string sol; //storage of largest solution
bool promising(int i) {
int k = 1;
bool flag = true;
while (k < i && flag) { //for (int k = 0; k < i && flag; k++)
if ((col[i] == col[k]) || abs(col[i] - col[k]) == abs(i - k)) flag = false;
//if new queen's in the same column or row || diagonal, stop
return flag; //return true if while() is okay, false if any of condition fails
void queens(int i) {
int j;
if (promising(i)) { //if it meets conditions in promising
if (i == n) { //if queens == n
anscount++; //the solution is appropriate, thus adding 1 to count
string temp; //makes temp for string concatnation
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) temp += to_string(col[j]); //make combinations string
if (sol < temp) sol = temp; //compare former largest solution to temp
else {
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
col[i + 1] = j; //mark col[i+1] as j(trial)
queens(i + 1); //see if it's possible
int main(void) {
cin >> n; //input of n * n chessboard
col = vector<int>(n + 1); //make chessboard with (n * n) tiles, but it starts from 1
queens(0); //driver code starts with queens = 0
cout << anscount << endl << sol;
return 0;
cs |
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